Local Wisdom In Malam Berinai Tradition In Malay Society, Tanjungbalai, North Sumatera, Indonesia


  • lela Erwany Amir Hamzah University
  • Prof. Dr. Ikhwanuddin Nasution Lecturers in Linguistic Post Graduate Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, North Sumatera Uniersity, Indonesia
  • Prof. Dr. Robert Sibarani Lecturers in Linguistic Post Graduate Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, North Sumatera Uniersity, Indonesia
  • Dr. Muhammad Takari Lecturers in Linguistic Post Graduate Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, North Sumatera Uniersity, Indonesia




Malam Berinai tradition is part of a traditional wedding ceremony in Malay society. The tradition of malam berinai which is a series of ceremonies is held on the evenings before the wedding ceremony. Malam berinai becomes a very important part in the ceremony to give a signal to the bride. Giving henna to the bride is an attempt to give a sign to the bride as well as the blessing of the family to allow the bride and groom set up a new life. In addition, malam berinai is thanking and praying to God asking for the succesful of the marriage ceremony the next day, away from all obstacles and barriers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the form of local wisdom contained in traditional Malay society malam berinai in Tanjungbalai. This study used a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Ethnographic approach is the work of describing a culture. The main objective of this activity is to understand a way of life from the perspective of indigenous people. The results show there are four forms of local wisdom in this malam berinai tradition, they are  manners, gratitude, mutual help, and care for the environment. The fourth local wisdom is to serve the Malay Tanjungbalai to guide their lives in society and country.


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