Passive Money Laundering The Implications of the Passive Money Laundering Regulation Are Formulated With the Form of Guilt Pro Parte Dolus Pro Parte Culpa



  • Aditya Wiguna Sanjaya Doctoral Student at Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya
  • I Nyoman Nurjaya University of Brawijaya
  • Prija Djatmika University of Brawijaya
  • Masruchin Ruba'i University of Brawijaya



In Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 2010 between passive money laundering which is carried out by intention and passive money laundering committed due to negligence is threatened with the same punishment or known as pro parte dolus pro parte culpa. Even though theoretically the form of guilt intention has a heavier gradation than the form of guilt negligence. This article aims to analyze the implications of form of guilt pro parte dolus pro parte culpa in the regulation of passive money laundering. This article uses a normative legal research method with conceptual approach, statute approach, and case approach. The results obtained are theoretically the implication of the form of guilt pro parte dolus pro parte culpa in the regulation of passive money laundering is contrary to the theory of guilt and proportionality theory of crime, while practically the implication is that there is a disproportionate imposition of criminal charges. The results of the writing of this article can be useful as material in improving the regulation of passive money laundering in the future.


Author Biographies

  • I Nyoman Nurjaya, University of Brawijaya

    Criminal Law Dept.

  • Prija Djatmika, University of Brawijaya

    Criminal Law Dept.

  • Masruchin Ruba'i, University of Brawijaya

    Criminal Law Dept.



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