Physique et Philosophie: le Conflit Sur la Nature de la Réalité Dans la Théorie Quantique


  • Désiré MEDEGNON Département de philosophie Université d'Abomey-Calavi (Bénin)



Certainty, Controversy, Indetermination, Phenomenism, Realism.


The upheavals related to the quantic revolution have, among other effects, led to the consecration, in the community of physicists itself, of a profound partition as far as fundamental questions of the nature of reality and of the role of physics are concerned. In fact, while the quantum theory, experimentally speaking, can be perfectly trusted and allows correct predictions, the conception of nature which it proposes has raised a deep misunderstanding which, up to date, has not yet found a solution. This reflection examines and tries to understand the nature of such a conflict, since it looks curious that it creates an opposition among the physicists on the issue of quantum properties which are obviously strange, but which are also “scientifically” established, as the non-locality, and the technological fertility the evidences of which are getting numerous. It show that behind what can appear to be a useless controversy in regard to a theory and to established experimental “truths”, we find in fact the confrontation of two philosophical conceptions of the reality: “realism” and “phenomenism”. This confrontation suggest especially is that it is an illusion to defend a quantic theory as being philosophically speaking neutral; the question related to the nature of microphysical particles, and of reality in general, also bear a philosophical dimension, or even a metaphysical dimension to be more precise. In regard to this reason, responses which are just experimental or quantitative are not enough to answer these questions.  


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